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Birth Doula

A doula is a non-medical support person trained and experienced in childbirth. Hired by you, I work collaboratively with your chosen healthcare providers and nursing staff to assist you in achieving a safe and satisfying birth experience. 

Physical, emotional, and educational support is provided after hire though two prenatal visits,  phone/text and email, joining you in labor and staying through the birth and immediate postpartum hours. Also included in the Birth Doula package are two postpartum visits to discuss and ease your transition at home.  

Childbirth Education Classes

Childbirth classes help you prepare for your upcoming birth, whether planning to birth in hospital or at home. During three sessions you will learn basic anatomy&physiology, what to expect during the stages of labor, comfort measures and coping strategies, and planning for the postpartum period. Additional discussion may include breastfeeding, babywearing, diapering, sleep strategies, self care, sibling and family adjustment. 

Small group classes are scheduled periodically throughout the year. 

Private classes can be scheduled by appointment.